918-860-BOXR (2697)


Fostering a Boxer

It is important that all volunteers understand that they are responsible for costs incurred in feeding the dog. TBRO will loan out a crate if you don't have one. TBRO will pay for all approved medical expenses. A foster home should not expect to be reimbursed for any expense incurred, unless prior authorization has been approved.

Thank you so much; you are needed desperately and greatly appreciated!! Keep in contact with us about your foster dog and how he is progressing, and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Fostering Application

Please complete entire application. Fields marked with * are required.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Address: *

City: *

State: *

Zip Code: *

County: *

Home Phone: *

Cell Phone: *

Work Phone: *

Email Address: *


Do You Work?

Spouse/Significant Other's Name:

Spouse/Significant Other's Job:

Spouse/Significant Other's Phone:

Spouse/Significant Other's Cell Phone:

Does he/she work?

How many adults in home?

Names/Ages of Adults:

How many children in home?

Names/ages of children:

Are there any special needs/disabilities/allergies?

Are you working with any other rescue groups?

If yes, who?

What best describes your home?

Do you own or rent?

How long at this address? (years/months)

If you rent, provide name and number of landlord:

Do you plan to move within the next year?

Does your home have a yard?

Is it securely fenced?

Fence height/type:

How do you plan to exercise your dog?

Do you have any other dogs?

Are they spayed/neutered?

Vaccination up to date?

Do you have any cats?

Other pets or livestock?

List name, breed, sex, and age of each of your current pets:

Are all dogs/cats on heartworm preventative?

How many dogs have you owned in the past five years?

What happened to your last dog?

If last dog was given away, explain to who and why:

Have you owned a Boxer before?

List activities you plan to include your dog:

Age preferred/oldest you would consider adopting:

Sex of dog you prefer:

Color Preference:

Boxer you're interested in:

Would you consider other Boxers or a different sex from your selected preferences?

What are your particular preferences for a dog if any, such as: "doesn't get on furniture", "must like cats", "good with children", ect:

Would you consider adopting a special needs dog (i.e. a deaf dog, or a dog requiring daily medication)?

Who will be the dog's primary caregiver?

Where will the dog stay during the day?

How many hours (on average) will dog be alone?

What will you do if your dog is destructive while alone?

List unacceptable behavior issues:

How would you discipline your dog?

Where will your dog sleep?

Would you attend obedience classes with your dog?

What kind of food do you plan to feed your dog?

What would you estimate to be a realistic cost to properly care for your dog for a year?

Provide veterinarian's name and telephone number for each of your current and prior pets:

Please provide three personal references, not related to you (Name, phone + area code, and relationship):

Your comments:

Learn More How you Can Help With The Boxer Rescue Of Oklahoma

We Love Our Sponsors ALMOST As Much As We Love Boxers!!!

Want To Find Out More On How Your Business Can Become A Sponsor Or How You Can Sponsor A Boxer Click Here

The Boxer Rescue of Oklahoma
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 14782
Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0782

Phone: 918-860-BOXR (2697)
Email: info@tbro.org

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