918-860-BOXR (2697)
918-860-BOXR (2697)
When you get a new foster, there is always a risk involved in taking in strange dogs into your home. There is risk to you, your own pets, your property and guests or neighbors. They are the same liabilities you carry by owning your own pet. An organization such as TBRO does not have the option of carrying insurance except on transport vehicles or on location where the public comes in to meet dogs; yet we have neither of these. Every volunteer should understand that while a foster is in TBRO's system, the dog is the legal and liable responsibility of the foster family.
We will never knowingly ask you to take a dog that is aggressive; you will, however have frightened, stressed or traumatized dogs who will require special care. Please educate yourself and your family in dog behavior modification. Knowledge is the skill necessary in rehabbing someone else's trash and creating an incredibly beautiful treasure that will be a lifelong companion to some blessed family.
The 3 most important parts of fostering involve bringing in a rescue dog:
to avoid danger to you, your family and friends, pets or property,
without allowing any sickness to spread into your home, and
without creating greater stress on your new foster.
Decide on a good location in your home for a crate where he will be comfortable but not afraid, separated but not isolated; remember this is a traumatized and uprooted pack animal who needs his people. Slowly (2-3 DAYS) acclimate him to your family, way of life, and pets UNLESS HE SHOWS SIGNS OF ILLNESS or AGGRESSION. Do this with a crate and a leash gradually allowing more freedom and more contact as everyone is involved.
Your foster dog will need a bath; clean his ears and check for fleas and ticks. Are you any good at nail trims? If you have cause for any medical concerns, email our medical team at: medical@tulsaboxerrescue.net. They will determine if your foster dog requires medical treatment and at which veterinary clinic your dog should be seen. If you are unable to take your dog to the vet, we will enlist the help of another volunteer.
Food could also be an issue as we don't know if he will feel the need to protect it, nor do we know his diet, and diarrhea is not uncommon for numerous reasons. But don't worry we will be available to give advice and help when necessary.
Remember your own pets must be up-to-date on all vaccinations for their safety.
It is important that all volunteers understand that they are responsible for costs incurred in feeding the dog. TBRO will loan out a crate if you don't have one. TBRO will pay for all approved medical expenses. A foster home should not expect to be reimbursed for any expense incurred, unless prior authoriaztion has been approved.
Please submit 3-5 photos as soon as possible to info@tulsaboxerrescue.net; if you don't have the means to provide a photo, please e-mail the same address for help. After you have had the dog for a few days, you will be asked to fill out an Assessment Form so that a complete and accurate bio can be written.
Thank you so much; you are needed desperately and greatly appreciated!! Keep in contact with us about your foster dog and how he is progressing, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
Every adoption application that comes in will first be reviewed by the Adoption Coordinator (AC). The AC will do all of the preliminary checks in accordance with our adoption procedures. If the AC believes that your foster dog might be a good match for a prospective adopter, the adoption application will be emailed to you and we'll ask you to carefully review it. You know your foster better than anyone and are in the best position to help him/her choose the right forever home. You will be asked to speak with the potential adopter.
It is best to show your foster in your home where the dog is on its own territory and allows the potential family to see the dog as they can expect it to be in their home. If the "meet and greet" goes well, then you may schedule a second visit to take the dog to their home to meet any pets they may have. You can also see the home environment where your foster would live, thereby setting your heart at ease as to the truthfulness of their written statements. If you feel confident with the placement, you can complete the adoption contract, collect the fee, and let the dog stay with the family if he/she so chooses. A week or so after the placement, either you or another volunteer will follow up with a home visit.
Our standard policy is that a potential family meet the boxer on his own territory. Use this policy freely, but make exceptions to the rule based upon your own comfort level. The AC will guide you in this process and make the placement as easy as possible.
If at any time you know someone that is interested in adopting your foster dog, please direct them to the website to fill out the online adoption application. Even if it is a family member, their application must first be reviewed and "pre-approved" by the AC.
We also have several adoption events throughout the year, where we will inquire if you and your foster dog will be attending. We prefer for the foster parent to stay with their dog as it provides a source of comfort and again, you know the dog better than anyone else and can speak informatively to a prospective family. You will receive an email a few weeks prior giving you the pertinent details. We ask that you bring a wire crate and a baggie of dog food. If you are unable to attend, please advise and we'll try to make arrangements for someone else to transport your foster dog to the event.
When the time does come to give up your foster, please do so boldly. Give your dog to the adoption family rather than letting them take away the dog. Boldly and happily, put the dog in their car, hug, kiss, and treat, and walk away confidently. Do not let your foster sense anxiety; only you can send them off with the proper attitude they need to be successful. And then you can pat yoursel fon the back for a job well done. knowing that you have made a significant difference in the life of that boxer!
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